[GSBN] 2010 Ontario Straw Bale Building Coalition Annual General Meeting

David Elfstrom listbox at elfstrom.com
Sun Mar 14 18:11:31 UTC 2010

  2010 Ontario Straw Bale Building Coalition

  Annual General Meeting

This year's AGM date has been set for *Sunday, March 28*. We are really 
hoping that you will be able to come out, renew your membership, and 
have a voice in the direction of the OSBBC. The AGM will be hosted this 
year at the new Camp Kawartha Environment Centre just north of 
Peterborough, built by last year's Sir Sandford Fleming Sustainable 
Construction & Design students. It is a beautiful building, featuring 
various wall systems, including panel bale walls, hempcrete, and a 
bottle wall. The earthen floor with the mosaic in the middle really adds 
a beautiful touch to the interior. Location: 2505 Pioneer Road, 
Peterborough, Ontario. Directions: 
http://www.campkawartha.ca/about/directions.htm ** Latitude: 44.352528 
Longitude: -78.287802

You need not be a member to attend, but if you do come to hear the talks 
we ask that you join the OSBBC.

*Important note about food at the centre:* Please bring your own lunch 
(and hopefully your own mug) to the AGM. Due to the fact that this is a 
public building with school groups coming through, there is a /strict 
nut-free policy with food./ Please respect this important rule, and 
bring a nut-free lunch. Snacks, juices, tea & coffee will be provided.

*Schedule - AGM Sunday March 28th, 2010, 8:30am-4:00 pm*

*8:30-9:00 *Registration, Coffee, Tea, Muffins, Chat

*9:00-9:45 *Builders' Round Table

*9:45-10:30 *Presentation by Stephen Collette: Current sustainable, 
healthy products and systems

*10:40-11:10 *Building from the owner/builder perspective: Ian & Ainslie 
Thomson from Galetta share their building experience, as do Linda Taylor 
and Mark Richardson, of Pakenham

*11:15-12:15* Slide show (See note below regarding submitting slides for 
the show)

*12:15 -- 1:00  Bring your own lunch (nut-free, remember!)*

*1:00 -- 3:00- AGM*

*4:00 *Close doors, bid adieu, and hope for many more exciting builds 
for 2010!

Slide show

This year, we would like to celebrate the fabulous variety of straw bale 
homes that have been built here in Ontario. One way to celebrate this 
diversity is through a slide show, of photos of these wonderful homes. 
Some of the simplest, and some of the most exotic structures, have been 
built in our province.  It would be incredible to have a complete 
showing of most of the homes in Ontario.

Frank Tettemer is collecting photos of straw bale homes, to be presented 
in this slide show. If you have one to half-dozen photos of a home that 
you live in, or that you've built, or designed, or simply helped work 
on, please consider sending them to Frank to be included in the show. 
You may wish to say a brief comment on your slides, or you may wish to 
remain anonymous, and simply sit and enjoy the photos that will be 
presented.  They will be compiled, and shown, to all our members and 
guests attending, showing time between 10:30AM and lunch time.  Here's a 
chance to see all those homes that you've heard so much about.

Photos can be emailed to Frank, at this email address: 
frank at livingsol.com, or paper copies & CD-Roms can be mailed to Frank 
before March 15 (He will return paper prints to you at the AGM).

Frank Tettemer, 480 Doyle Mountain Road, RR#4, Killaloe, ON K0J 2A0

*Other* *News*:

*/Coming soon/**: **/Online membership registration & renewals/*

As a volunteer organization, one of the most time-consuming and 
error-prone tasks is managing membership renewals and keeping contact 
information up to date. Wild Apricot is a Toronto-based complete 
membership management software service that allows members to join and 
pay online with automatic renewal notices, access member-only 
information and more. This will be in place prior to the AGM, but don't 
wait for it if you want to renew today! Mail-in memberships will always 
be accepted.

*/Website changes, gallery update/*/ /The long-awaited building 
registry/gallery is almost finished. A team of our board members, under 
the direction of our webmaster, have been working on reformatting our 
gallery pages so that owners can update house profiles and provide 
location and directions for visitors on the annual house tour, also 
ready for the AGM.

Keep your eyes peeled on our website at www.osbbc.ca 
<http://www.osbbc.ca/2010/03/> for the new updates as they become 
released. The website looks fabulous, and we apologize for any 
disruptions while the work has been ongoing.

We really hope to see you at this year's AGM, where we will talk about 
the direction of the OSBBC, have committee reports on work such as 
apprenticeship programs in straw bale building. You can have a voice in 
what happens, and even a vote if you have been a member for a year.

Please remember to bring along a mug if possible, and to keep your lunch 
nut-free. If you would care to bring along an instrument, there may be 
opportunities to create some straw bale jam.

Looking forward to seeing you very soon!


OSBBC Directors

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