[GSBN] Any upcoming conferences, gatherings, ISBBC in the works?

Bill Christensen billc at greenbuilder.com
Fri Feb 26 05:25:35 UTC 2010

At 11:01 PM -0600 2/25/10, jc10508 at windstream.net wrote:
>Just wondering if anyone has any conferences, annual meetings, gatherings,
>or an ISBBC in the works for 2010? Haven't heard from any of the
>associations or guilds for a while and want to touch base and see if you
>have news to share through The Last Straw journal.

Please feel free to add them to our Sustainable Building Calendar at 
<http://calendar.sustainablesources.com> while you're at it.  The 
calendar is free and self-service - just click the "Add Your Event" 
link at the top of the left column.   We're a little light on the 
hands-on stuff at the moment.

As of last June the Calendar is also available as an RSS feed - so if 
any of you have websites of your own and want to include it, please 
do.  Let me know if you need instructions on how to do that.

Bill Christensen
billc at greenbuilder.com

Green Building Professionals Directory: <http://directory.greenbuilder.com>
Sustainable Building Calendar: <http://Calendar.SustainableSources.com>
Green Real Estate: <http://www.greenbuilder.com/realestate/>
Straw Bale Registry: <http://sbregistry.greenbuilder.com/>
Books/videos/software: <http://bookstore.greenbuilder.com/>

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