[GSBN] Haiti

ejgeorge at riseup.net ejgeorge at riseup.net
Mon Jan 18 19:52:51 UTC 2010

I see the USGBC is already involved:


The U.S. Green Building Council, home of the LEED green building  
rating systems, has announced its commitment to help rebuild Haiti  
after the country was devastated by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake.  
Specific details are not yet available, but the USGBC is encouraging  
those who can help to do so through the Clinton Foundation Haiti  
Relief Fund.

The USGBC has experience with rebuilding communities after natural  
disasters. The USGBC was involved in rebuilding efforts after a  
massive F5 tornado destroyed the entire town of Greensburg, Kansas, as  
well as green rebuilding efforts in New Orleans after Hurricane  
Katrina and the levee breaks wreaked havoc on the city.

The green building organization is already familiar with the unique  
challenges they will face when undertaking such a massive effort in  
the impoverished island nation. In the spring of 2009, USGBC CEO Rick  
Fedrizzi was part of a United Nations Special Envoy to Haiti that  
included former President Bill Clinton. Fedrizzi?s knowledge of the  
country will be valuable as the focus switches from recovering from  
the earthquake to rebuilding the nation.


ej George, CSBA

Quoting "martin oehlmann" <moehlmann at wanadoo.fr>:

> Bonjour,
> would it be a possibility for Builders Without Borders or others to  
> launch a proposal to the Clinton/Bush-fund for earth-quake shaken  
> Haiti?
> Best wishes for 2010,
> Martin Oehlmann
> Moulin du Roz
> F-29690 Berrien

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