[GSBN] Nothern Arizona Engineer

Tom Hahn tomhahn at econet.org
Fri Nov 20 19:09:44 UTC 2009

Hello Mark - A structural engineer I have used for straw-bale 
projects is based here in Prescott, AZ.  I have worked with him on 
both load-bearing and non-load-bearing projects, in central and 
northern Arizona, as well as some in the Phoenix metro area.

Here is his contact information...

Rick Frost, PE
Frost Structural Engineering
rick.frost at frost-structural.com
2170 Dineh Drive
Prescott, AZ 86305

Let us know if we be of any further assistance.

Best wishes,

Tom Hahn, Principal Architect
Ecosa Design Studio : : Architecture & Planning
<TomH at EcosaDesign.com>
201 N. Alarcon St., Suite B
Prescott, AZ 86305

>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>	boundary="----=_NextPart_000_002E_01CA69D0.12FF3670"
>Content-Language: en-us
>Hello All,
>I am looking for a Northern Arizona engineering firm that has 
>stamped straw bale structures. I don't know if it will be load 
>bearing or in-fill yet.
>I look forward to hearing from you fine folks.
>Mark Jensen
>Construction Program Director
>Red Feather Development Group
>PO Box 907
>Bozeman, MT 59771-0907
>T: (406)585-7188
>F: (406)585-7187
><mailto:markj at redfeather.org>markj at redfeather.org 
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>GSBN at greenbuilder.com
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