[GSBN] New publication on Building with straw
Joyce Coppinger
jc10508 at windstream.net
Fri Nov 6 14:49:28 UTC 2009
I would like to mention your book in a future issue of The Last Straw (TLS)
and list it in the TLS resource guide that I am updating. Would you please
send a paragraph or two describing the content and order information. There
is no urgency in this request as I can add the information to any issue,
whenever you have time to send the information.
Thank you for all the work you do in support and development of straw-bale
design and construction.
Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/Publisher
The Last Straw, the international journal
of strawbale and natural building
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
web site: www.thelaststraw.org
and our new blog at http://thelaststrawblog.org
> Dear All,
> we would like to inform you, that we published the results of our
> research project on loadbearing straw bale structures in the new book:
> Minke, G.; Krick, B.: Handbuch Strohballenbau.
> There you will find new data of the embedded energy (primary energy) of
> different straw bale structures, simulations on fungus growth, values
> for thermal conductivity, test results of deforming and decrease of
> pretensioning forces. You find also a chapter on vaults and domes from
> bales and some new buildings from Europe.
> Sorry! the book is in German, but I think scientific data you will
> understand without knowing German.
> You can order the book at
> www.oekobuch.de
> or by e-mail: oekebuch at t-online.de
> Best regards
> Gernot Minke
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