[GSBN] New publication on Building with straw

Jim Carfrae jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk
Fri Nov 6 10:52:57 UTC 2009

Thank you for the link to your book, Gernot - It looks very interesting!
Unfortunately I don't speak German, and the site didn't appear to offer a translation - Is the book available in English?



Jim Carfrae
PhD Research Student

Room 119, Reynolds Building
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus

jim.carfrae at plymouth.ac.uk
07880 551922
01803 862369
From: GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com [GSBN-bounces at greenbuilder.com] On Behalf Of feb at asl.uni-kassel.de [feb at asl.uni-kassel.de]
Sent: 06 November 2009 09:44
To: gsbn at greenbuilder.com
Subject: [GSBN] New publication on Building with straw

Dear All,

we would like to inform you, that we published the results of our
research project on loadbearing straw bale structures  in the new book:
Minke, G.; Krick, B.: Handbuch Strohballenbau.
There you will find new data of the  embedded energy (primary energy) of
different straw bale structures, simulations on fungus growth, values
for thermal conductivity, test results of deforming and decrease of
pretensioning forces. You find also a chapter on vaults and domes from
bales and some new buildings from Europe.

Sorry! the book is in German, but I think scientific data you will
understand without knowing German.

You can order the book at
 or by e-mail: oekebuch at t-online.de

Best regards
Gernot Minke

Forschungslabor fuer Experimentelles Bauen, Universitaet Kassel
Wissenschaftliche Leitung:Univ.-Prof.em. Dr.-Ing. Gernot Minke
Menzelstrasse 13, D-34121 Kassel
Tel: ++49-(0)561-804-5312
Fax: ++49-(0)561-804-5428

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