[GSBN] acceptance to GSBN

andy mueller info at greenspacecollaborative.com
Mon Oct 12 17:30:53 UTC 2009

Dear members of the Global Straw Building Network,


Thank you for your acceptance and support having welcomed me aboard.  


As I continue to look into what organizations or individuals might support the practices of a natural builder interested in working with communities in need, I wonder if I might ask you for input more directly.  If there are any areas of research or anyone in particular that I should contact, I'd be thrilled to hear from you. 


Despite my disillusionment with working in a privileged first world society, it is not without a healthy dose of realism that I approach my somewhat idealistic desire. Straw bale builders are a minority in modern times and despite this, I feel that the weight of history proves the ongoing value of our discipline.  Spreading knowledge by working with members of communities in developing nations is the best kind of education and implementation of my craft that I can think of. Whether it becomes hybridized or modified for cultural appropriateness who knows, but I'd like to put the word out there.  It is with this premise that I reiterate my original intent in my email to Mark.


If any of you have an interest in seeing what we have been up to during the last few years please feel free to peruse our website: www.greenspacecollaborative.com.  You will also see links to our Natural Building North East Network should it be of interest.


Becoming part of a community possessing technical depth, intellect and humor with such transparency has been a privilege already! 


With gratitude,


Andy Mueller


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