[GSBN] Translator added to the TLS blog.

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at windstream.net
Thu Aug 20 04:01:57 UTC 2009

Just want to let you all know that Jeff has added a translator to the TLS
blog. It is based on Google's translation service so it basically runs the
page through their engine and redisplays it.

We hope this will make the blog more accessible for everyone and encourage
people from all countries to interact through the TLS blog.

Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/Publisher
The Last Straw, the international journal
of strawbale and natural building
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>
web site: www.thelaststraw.org
and our new blog at http://tls.buildearth.org

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