[GSBN] Mongolian SB-builder to European Strawbale Building Gathering

Kelly Lerner klerner at one-world-design.com
Tue Jul 14 16:58:51 UTC 2009

Hi all,
I don't have any contact with SB folks in Mongolia at the present, 
but you could try contacting Augie Otongbayar at mbeleg1 at yahoo.com . 
She was my translator while I was in Mongolia and used to work for 
UNDP. She might have the most up to date information.

I'm just back from Chengdu, China where we are putting up two 
demonstration strawbale houses - two story with steel frame and 
infill bales and then a one story with concrete and brick frame and 
infill bales. All is going well so far. I'll post photos as I get them.


At 11:45 PM 7/13/2009, martin hammer wrote:
>I don't know if you've received a response, but I believe Kelly 
>Lerner is the best person on this list to answer this question.  She 
>might be (as we all are from time to time) unavailable to respond?
>On 7/6/09 6:26 AM, "Lars Keller" <larskeller at gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear GSBN.
>To those of you with present connection to the Mongolian SB-world:
>who would you invite to the ESBG in Belgium in August ?
>Best regards,
>Lars Keller

Kelly Lerner, Architect
Certified Sustainable Building Advisor
One World Design Architecture   509-838-8812

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