[GSBN] Use of and protection - steel columns in bale walls

John Glassford jacksflat at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 01:27:36 UTC 2009

G ' day

We have used steel a few times and the oldest now was built in 1998.  This
one did not have any protection.   We set the steel columns to the inside of
the bales.  No problems

With other steel posts we have painted them with a bitumen based tar paint
these posts were to the outside and the inside:


We did the ame with the Hall in Sydney no problems to date.

We try to avoid steel where possible but in big buildings steel is the only
way to make solid window and door frames.  This building below is load
bearing jumbo bales with steel window and door frames:


Kind regards
John Glassford
Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
61 2 6927 6027
In Australia (02) 6927 6027

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