[GSBN] Fwd: LEED for Homes - Tips for Successful Projects
Mark Piepkorn
duckchow at potkettleblack.com
Sat May 16 13:04:56 UTC 2009
Though North-America-centric, some of you may be interested in the
following. It probably won't come to light during this webinar, but
the presenter - Ann Edminster - is a strawbaler from way back who
many of you know. Check this out:
And she was, as it happens, the very person who first welcomed me to
the CREST/REPP strawbale email list going on 15 years ago. (Holy crap!)
>LEED for Homes: Tips for Successful Projects
>Who could be more qualified than one of the principal authors of
>LEED for Homes to provide insight on the best ways to make the program work?
>"LEED for Homes, like other rating systems, is an assessment tool.
>This means that while it provides some 'how-to' information (at the
>level of individual strategies or 'credits'), it doesn't offer any
>guidance for how to approach the design and construction of a
>high-performing home differently than a conventional project. Ann
>Edminster will offer some of that missing guidance in this webinar."
>It gets better. Not only do you not have to jet off to some city to
>sit in some auditorium during some high-priced conference to take
>this in... it's free. Just sign up and it's yours for the taking on
>June 2, at 2:00 pm Eastern (1:00 pm Central, noon Mountain, 11:00 am
>Pacific), right on your computer. A gift from GreenBuildingAdvisor.com.
>The presenter, Ann Edminster, is a longtime green building mover and
>shaker. In addition to being one of the main people who developed
>LEED for Homes (she was its co-chair through most of the early
>days), she's also a past member of the LEED Steering Committee, and
>a member and past co-chair of the USGBC's Materials and Resources
>Technical Advisory Group. She co-authored Efficient Wood Use In
>Residential Construction: A Practical Guide to Saving Wood, Money,
>and Forests, has written bunches of technical papers and articles,
>and has been an invited speaker at dozens of regional, national, and
>international green building conferences over the past 15 years.
>She's the founding principal of the environmental design consulting
>firm Design AVEnues.
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