[GSBN] Historic SBH Tour (was re: The Scott Home)

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at alltel.net
Fri Apr 24 17:26:49 UTC 2009

There is a Peabody Award-winning videographer in Lincoln, Nebraska, who may
be interested in accompanying me to all of the sites during the planning of
tours and historic preservation efforts and maybe on the tour(s), too, if we
can find grant money to support his talents and travel.

There's also hours of taped interviews with participants of the 2nd Nebraska
Straw Bale Conference in 2002 taken by Nebraska Public Television and never
programmed or aired, and of course there's that infamous interview between
Roger Welsch and myself (so far not seen by many and maybe that's best -
unless you want to see me struggle to get a word in).

Would be great if the proceeds from the sale of the video, if it should
happen, could go in some part to help support The Last Straw as it's a
struggle to keep going with rising costs of printing and postage (an
interesting chart - www.akdart.com/postrate.html), and when TLS has to
survive with all of the information now available on the Internet (not
knocking the great web sites and good information that's out there - just
pointing out that TLS is no longer the only source of information it once
was - and that's good and not so good for TLS). There's dwindling support
from subscriptions (thank goodness we added the online ordering system to
our web site to keep orders coming in the past two years as advertising
rates have risen considerably, limiting outreach in this form, and most
people find TLS through Internet searches now anyway). There's also the new
attitude of some people that all information should be free - whatever the

Whatever happened to the Balehead project, Matts? Maybe we could combine
efforts and give some support to Out on Bale/Balehead project, too.

Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/Publisher
The Last Straw, the international journal
of strawbale and natural building
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>

on 4/23/09 1:08 PM, RT at ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 13:00:12 -0400, <gsbn-request at greenbuilder.com> wrote:
>> From: "Brian Hodge" <brian at anvill.com.au>
>> Subject: Re: [GSBN] The Scott Home
>> Re: [GSBN] The Scott HomeHi Joyce,
>> I for one would be interested in going on a tour of the old buildings
>> given that I have enough advance warning to arrange my schedule.
> Here's a thought:
> What about someone taking along a video camera and recording the tour
> (maybe including
> some of the jibber-jabbering amongst the BaleHead tour-ists, commentary by
> the house occupants, interviews with Old Timers about reminiscences from
> "back in the olde days) etc.  ... and then making copies of the whole
> schmozzle available on DVD ?
> Throw in some musical accompaniment (by BaleHeads of course) and then we
> might even go Hollywood with this thing.
> You think ?

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