[GSBN] [Strawbale] Matts' Fun with Maps

Bill Christensen billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Fri Mar 6 08:55:33 UTC 2009

At 12:32 AM -0500 3/6/09, David Elfstrom wrote:
>For the general location, using the first three letters of the 
>postal code, or even the full code, will work in Canada.
>From what I've read on Wikipedia about how U.S. zip codes overlap, 
>it won't work very well in the States.

That idea has some merit.  We *do* have most of the zip/postal codes, 
and I wouldn't worry much about the overlap.  It'll just add to the 
randomness.  When I get a chance to breathe again I'll have to 
remember this idea.

>How about the latitude and longitude rounded to the nearest tenth of 
>a degree (or even the nearest half degree). With a custom map using 
>the Google API, overlay a circle that extends out another tenth of a 
>degree, and voila, there's your uncertainty radius. Somewhere in 
>that circle is the home. Here's an example of a circle using the 
>API: http://esa.ilmari.googlepages.com/circle.htm.


>Actually, I think I like that even better than postal codes. Except 
>everyone knows their postal code, and most don't know their latitude 
>and longitude off the top of their head unless they are a GPS 

Which to me would mean that using the postal code would work better, 
as the original data would be easier to obtain.

Bill Christensen

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