[GSBN] [Strawbale] SB workshops

Geert Goffin geert.goffin at telenet.be
Wed Mar 4 23:56:35 UTC 2009

Hello everybody

Rik Moens wrote today:

" This year in summertime there will be a European Strawbale Congress in
Belgium with workshops and everything. Unfortunately there is no information
available in English yet as far as I know."

Indeed, Belgium is hosting the ESBG 2009  in the region between Hasselt - Liège  -  Maastricht - Aachen from Wednesday 26th till Sunday 30th August. 
We have already sent you a first general invitation and at the moment we are working on a flyer in English with more practical details and with a registrationformular. We are also working on an English ESBG-section on our Belgian website of Casa Calida, where you can find information and were you can register.

So, more information is on it's way! 
In attachement, the first general invitation. 

Warme strogroeten


Geert Goffin
voorzitter Casa Calida vzw
Strobouwplatform België
0032-(0)12-213 297
info at casacalida.be
geert.goffin at telenet.be
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