[GSBN] [Strawbale] SB workshops

Rik Moens rik.moens at skynet.be
Thu Jan 22 18:41:34 UTC 2009


This year in summertime there will be a European Strawbale Congress in
Belgium with workshops and everything. Unfortunately there is no information
available in English yet as far as I know.



-----Original Message-----
From: strawbale-bounces at amper.ped.muni.cz
[mailto:strawbale-bounces at amper.ped.muni.cz] On Behalf Of RT
Sent: donderdag 22 januari 2009 18:30
To: European strawbale building discussions; GSBN
Subject: Re: [Strawbale] SB workshops

On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 08:07:22 -0500, Rikki Nitzkin  
<rikkinitzkin at earthlink.net> wrote:

> I have had a request by a Portugese arquitect looking for SB workshops
> oriented towards "profesionals"-anywhere in Europe.

As it so happens, a message showed up in my mailbox yesterday which  
mentioned the following:

> And now that it's good to be an American [again], we are going to Europe  
> for a couple ofmonths this summer. I'll give you more details later but  
> apparently the four workshopsthat are scheduled are filled up. Denmark,  
> Estonia,Slovakia and France.

I've never attended the workshops hosted by Athena and Beel Steen but I  
have seen a video of one and
it was easy to spot a number of "professionals" amongst the attendees.  
(The professionals were the ones that looked lost initially when  
confronted with working with non-storebought materials).

Quite frankly, I think that the Euro-pee'ins should look at somehow  
expanding the workshops to enable more people to attend, if for no other  
reason, to amortise the embodied energy of the trip over a broader base.

(But I'm sure that most baleheads can think of more and arguably better  
reasons for expanding the workshops. ie Satomi referred to Beel as "old  
man" in a photo she sent out on Beel's last birthday. Can't expect the old  
geezer to last forever . Eh ?  Gather in your Steen workshops while ye  
may, for tomorrow ... )

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  chaffYahoo  dot ca>
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)
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