[GSBN] Kudos and thanks for John Straube's new article

Laura Bartels laura at greenweaverinc.com
Tue Feb 24 00:19:13 UTC 2009

I have just discovered and read John's article Building Science for  
Strawbale Buildings on the Building Science.com website (http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/digests/bsd-112-building-science-for-strawbale-buildings/?full_view=1 

A great thanks, John, for writing this. It is a succinct summary that  
should be handed to every architect, contractor and subcontractor  
working with straw, explaining some of the detailing and the reasons  
for it that are still often a struggle on straw bale job sites.

It even includes a photo of a very leisurely D. Eisenberg looking like  
he's either waiting for sleep to overtake him or settling in for a  
long, deep conversation on some philosophical topic.

Laura (always looking for good teaching resources) Bartels

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