[GSBN] Ventilated Rainscreen Assemblies on SB Buildings

John Swearingen jswearingen at skillful-means.com
Fri Feb 20 21:32:21 UTC 2009

We installed a rainscreen assembly on the Presentation Center, designed by
DSA.  Basically we embedded 1x's in the scratch coat of plaster so they
protruded from the plaster leaving a gap, stapled lath to the 1x's and
applied traditional 3-coat plaster.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:54 AM, RT <ArchiLogic at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 a certain scallywag wrote:
>  I've been thinking that it would be a really good idea to work upa rough
>> starting point for straw bale wall rainscreen assemblies.
>  I've been watching people throw  that term  around for some time butI
>> don't think anyone has a clue about "how."
> Is the above true ?
> I was under the impression that rainscreen-type claddings on SB buildings
> were in wide-spread use throughout most of the world in locales where
> plentiful and/or driving rains are common, based upon some of the comments
> I'd seen on the various SB Lists, where people have mentioned the use of
> timber claddings which I just ass-u-me-d would be configured as ventilated
> rainscreen assmblies.
> So, if you have used ventilated rainscreen cladding assemblies on SB walls,
> whether those claddings be timber, metal, glass, masonry or
> pre-cast/tilt-up, please speak up so that we can prove this scallywag wrong.
> And if perchance the scallywag is right, I agree that the SB community
> should be talking about the "how" and not only just talking about it but
> making the process readily accessible to the general SB-building population.
> --
> === * ===
> Rob Tom
> Kanata, Ontario, Canada
> < A r c h i L o g i c  at  chaffYahoo  dot ca>
> (manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)
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John Swearingen

Skillful Means
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