[GSBN] An update on TLS

Joyce Coppinger jc10508 at alltel.net
Sat Oct 25 16:18:40 UTC 2008

An update for you about TLS.

After a difficult period from November 2006 through February 2008 when my
health problems slowed me down and delayed progress in publishing issues of
TLS, I'm glad to report that a great medical team has re-energized me (I'm
now a bionic woman) and set me up on a regimen of diet, exercise and
medication to treat the diabetes and heart problems they discovered. I am
now back working full time and trying very hard to get caught up with
publishing TLS issues, and the other projects that I was working on.

TLS#59/Sustainable Living will be posted to the TLS web site online order
system within the next two weeks or so. Print copies will follow as soon as
possible. I'm now working on TLS#60/Details, #61/Women in Strawbale and
Natural Building, #62/Putting a Project Together. Contributions of text and
images for these issues are welcome! TLS is a reader-written journal, and
its content and quality can only be maintained through your help and that of
other readers and those throughout the international straw-bale and natural
building community.

Of course, we need to continuously keep our readership numbers at the
highest level possible. We rely on those on the GSBN list, our readers, and
the straw-bale community to help spread the word about TLS and encourage
people to subscribe and purchase back issues and the CD (now available in
downloadable PDF format). If you are not a current subscriber, please go to
the TLS web site www.thelaststraw.org and sign up now! We need your support.
If you are a current subscriber, you will be receiving issues to fulfill
your current subscription as soon as  they can be published - and thanks for
your support!

In the past few years there was been an explosion of information on the
Internet, from new publications and media content available on the market,
and through the growing number of people involved in strawbale and natural
building. That's great news and good for the future of strawbale and natural
building - but at the same time it does present a challenge to TLS. The
other challenge faced by all publications (and nonprofit organizations such
as The Green Prairie Foundation for Sustainability under which TLS operates)
is the rising costs for production and postal services - and the decline in
money available to support our efforts.

We have tried to adapt to changing times and conditions. For example, we
have added the online ordering system so people around the world can more
easily access issues of TLS (#41 through the current issue are available in
PDF format at $6 per issue without any costs for shipping/handling - and the
PDF of TLS' CD-Rom of issues #1 through #40 is also available for
downloading through the online ordering system at $40). We will continue to
publish TLS in print format at $8 per issue for subscriptions;
shipping/handling costs will be added for back issue orders.

We are constantly exploring ways to improve TLS' content, delivery systems,
and find cost savings. Hope we can count on you to continue your support,
share information and contribute content, and tell others about the journal!

Joyce Coppinger, Managing Editor
The Last Straw journal
GPFS/TLS, PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706 USA
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161
<thelaststraw at thelaststraw.org>

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