[GSBN] Fwd: Lime on Clay plaster
Rikki Nitzkin
casasdepaja at yahoo.es
Fri Sep 19 17:51:45 UTC 2008
Rikki Jennifer Nitzkin
Coordinadora de la Red de Construcción con Balas de Paja
casasdepaja at yahoo.es
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: Rikki Nitzkin <casasdepaja at yahoo.es>
> Fecha: 19 de septiembre de 2008 19:41:07 GMT+02:00
> Para: GSBN <GSBN at lists.greenbuilder.com>
> Asunto: Lime on Clay plaster
> HI all!
> I assume the long silence on the listserve is do to the busy
> building season...which (at least for me) is finally winding down. I
> hope all went well for everyone.
> I have a couple of topics to open debates if people are up for it. I
> will write seperate emails so responses don't get mixed up in the
> archives.
> The first is thoughts about plastering with lime on Clay. I
> understand that it sometimes works quite well and others not.
> Debating this topic with friends we were thinking that this success/
> failure could be due to various factors:
> -type of clay
> -application process
> -type of lime
> -climate (dry/humid)
> So I would like to solicite thoughts: In the cases of success/
> failure what type of lime was used? Maybe plasters with lime putty
> work better that hidraulic lime (if so 2, 3.5, or 5?)? or bagged
> hidrated lime doesn't work? Maybe a coat of lime slurry is necessary
> as a bridge between clay and lime? or maybe...In one case I know
> that the lime stuck well to all the walls except the one most
> exposed to driving rains...on the wall most needed it failed.
> I wonder if between us all we could do a type of survey responding
> to the questions:
> 1) Failure or Success
> 2) Type of lime
> 3) Climate
> 4) application process
> 5) thoughts or comments.
> It would be great if we could figure out why it fails when it does!
> thanks!
> Rikki Jennifer Nitzkin
> Coordinadora de la Red de Construcción con Balas de Paja
> www.casasdepaja.org
> casasdepaja at yahoo.es
> http://casasdepaja.blogspot.com/
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