[GSBN] Google map and nomination

billc at greenbuilder.com billc at greenbuilder.com
Mon Jun 9 04:56:37 UTC 2008

Oliver has been invited.

At 9:33 PM -0600 6/8/08, Catherine Wanek wrote:
>At 10:19 PM 6/5/2008, Laura wrote:
>>I looked into the same Google map idea with pininthemap.com just for
>>presentation purposes....
>FYI, there is a really good Google map of strawbale and other
>eco-friendly building like the one you are talking about already on a
>cool site:
>I would like to nominate the webmaster of this site to the
>GSBN.  Oliver Swann is from England, his wife is from Russia, and
>they have land in Poland.  The web site has a great catalogue of
>straw-bale and natural buildings, and is really well-rounded
>globally.  I've only met Oliver via email, but am impressed with his
>knowledge, cross-cultural presence, and web work.  I expect he would
>glean a lot from the discussion, and projects mentioned might make it
>to the website.  His email is "Oliver" <house at naturalhomes.org>
>Catherine Wanek
>Builders Without Borders
><mail at builderswithoutborders.org>
>GSBN mailing list
>GSBN at greenbuilder.com

Bill Christensen
billc at greenbuilder.com

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