[GSBN] Owens Corning

billc at greenbuilder.com billc at greenbuilder.com
Sat Jun 7 05:50:09 UTC 2008

At 9:02 PM -0700 6/6/08, Darrel DeBoer wrote:
>Here's an interesting email I received today.  Owens Corning is 
>looking for an alternative kind of insulation.  Hmm, I wonder what 
>might meet the criteria?
>-- Darrel DeBoer

Interesting... I just got an email from someone at Owens Corning a 
week or so ago as well.  As far as I'm concerned, if any of you want 
to do a little 'culture jamming' and answer the survey, I'll be happy 
to consider you part of our "organization".


My name is Angela Davis with Owens Corning, and I am researching 
companies in the market dedicated to green practices and building 
standards. Owens Corning is a company deeply committed to reducing 
energy usage, as well as its' global footprint.

I would like the opportunity to speak with someone within your 
organization to answer a few short, general questions about the green 
products/services that you offer, and your views and values 
concerning energy efficiency. This survey is being conducted solely 
to research best practices, and to learn from industry leaders about 
the future of this ever important subject matter.

Thank you in advance for your time, and I look forward to the 
opportunity to speak with someone from your organization soon. My 
contact information is listed below, or if you prefer, please forward 
a contact number for me to call.

Best regards,

Angela Davis

Angela K. Davis
Owens Corning
Building Materials Marketing
One Owens Corning Parkway, Toledo, OH 43659
PH (419) 248-5781; FAX (419) 325-0781
angela.davis at owenscorning.com

Bill Christensen
billc at greenbuilder.com

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