[GSBN] Any strawbale in Hawaii, Delaware or New Jersey

Bill Christensen billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Fri Jun 6 04:04:06 UTC 2008

At 12:33 PM -0700 6/5/08, Martin Hammer wrote:
>Joyce and Laura (and others who are interested),
>I spoke with Tim Owen-Kennedy yesterday and he gave info re: SB in 
>Hawaii and N.J. as follows:
>He designed and built with workshops two SB buildings on the Big 
>Island of Hawaii in 1996.
>An 18' radius community kitchen in Pahoa on Papaya Farms Rd. SE of Hilo
>A 1200 sq.ft. Residence in Humakua (?) west of Hilo.  
>He will try to get at least one on the sb registry, but is not sure 
>if he can track down the current owners.  He suspects there are more 
>SB buildings in Hawaii because those were built over 10 years ago.

Even the bare rudiments are fine, as long as *something* gets in. 
The only stuff that's required are the fields with the red asterisk 
on the first page.  Then just zip through to the end.  If you don't 
know the current owner's name, that's OK if we have good location 
info (physical and/or mailing address).

>He consulted on a SB residence in New Jersey in 2002 or 2003.  It 
>probably is the two residence project in Blairstown NJ built on 
>Genesis Farm described by Darren Port.  I wonder who the right 
>person is to pursue getting that project on the sb registry.  Laura, 
>could you communicate with Darren Port about this?

You might try


There's nothing about the strawbale buildings on their site.

>Tim confessed to not having any of his 60 SB buildings on the sb 
>registry and wants to rectify that.  I only put the first of mine on 
>it this year.  I'm publicly poking Tim and me, and any other GSBN 
>members who are a similar category, for us to get as many on as 
>possible.  I do understand that some owners are reluctant due to 
>perceived privacy issues, but as Joyce has pointed out, there are 
>ways of registering the building while maintaining privacy.  The 
>more buildings on the better.  There is strength in numbers.

We should probably be more vigilant about posting info about it to 
the various lists.  Personally, I've been pretty busy and not paying 
much attention to the SB lists, making only very occaisional posts 
lately.  For a while there in the beginning I was posting monthly 
updates, and that kept it in people's attention.  At this point it'll 
probably take something special to get it back in the limelight.

One of these days I'm going to have to do some updates on the 
Registry, to allow pictures at least.  Or maybe I should tie it to a 
group account at Flickr or something like that.  I haven't played 
with Flickr much at all. Is anyone here familiar with it enough to 
know how we might use it or a similar, preferably free, public photo 
gallery? I could set up a local one, but I think that having them on 
a public site would be advantageous.

At a web development conference last year I sat in on a session on 
Google Maps/Yahoo Maps (and probably some other web mapping software 
that I forget now).  I was thinking it would be cool to make a map 
with markers for all the SBs worldwide.  The big problem is that they 
tended to be too precise for many listee's security preferences. 
There's no provision in their programs to show a randomly shaped, 
fuzzy area where a specific SB is kinda sorta located.  It's a pin on 
a map with an exact location.  So there would have to be some fancy 
back end programming to protect privacy.

Not that I need to take on another project right now (unless 
someone's funding it), but they're some things to think about.

Bill Christensen

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