[GSBN] NJ Straw bales

Laura Bartels laura at greenweaverinc.com
Wed Jun 4 15:15:43 UTC 2008

This just in from Darren Port. Add that to Martin's message of last  
night with info on NJ and HI, and we are only looking for DE.
I counted 42 countries total on the Registry as well.



There are two strawbale buildings that we know of and third that  
remains a mystery, we know the town but not the address.   The two  
others are in Blairstown NJ built on Genesis Farm; one is a full time  
residence and the other a ‘retreat cabin” type for guests of the Earth  
Literacy program that the farm hosts in addition to other events.

Let me know if you need stats for example there where 28 thousand  
acres of wheat harvested in 2007, which if all the straw was baled and  
used for housing would be enough to build approx. 1800, 1500sq ft homes.

There are also a number of straw-clay infill homes and clay block  
homes in NJ.

Good luck let me know if I can be of any assistance in preparing or on  
June 20.


Darren Molnar-Port
Green Building Administrator
Code Specialist
Division of Codes and Standards
State of New Jersey - Department of Community Affairs
101 South Broad Street
PO Box 802
Trenton NJ 08625

Phone 609-984-7607 or 609-984-7609
Fax 609-984-7717

dport at dca.state.nj.us

Laura Bartels
GreenWeaver Inc.
P.O. Box 912, Carbondale, CO 81623
Ph 970-379-6779, Fax 970-963-0905
laura at greenweaverinc.com

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