[GSBN] Fwd: Termites

Bill Christensen billc_lists at greenbuilder.com
Mon May 19 05:40:37 UTC 2008

The file is now available at 

At 12:29 AM -0400 5/19/08, Robert Tom wrote:
>------- Forwarded message -------
>From: "John Glassford" <jacksflat at gmail.com>
>To: "Rob Tom" <archilogic at yahoo.ca>
>Subject: Fwd: Termites
>Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 23:34:29 -0400
>G ' day RT Old Mate
>I know that GSBN doe snot take files can you pass this onto Bill C to
>see if he can do something with it for GSBN.
>Me I am on a building site with limited access to the net.  Other wise
>I  would have a go myself.
>The Straw Wolf.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: PH Bernard <imagine at netconnect.com.au>
>Date: Mon, May 19, 2008 at 1:19 PM
>Subject: Termites
>To: John & Sue Glassford <huffnpuff at shoal.net.au>
>Hi John
>Can you send this to GSBN, I cant for some reason.
>Kind regards
>Per Bernard
>03 5348 1298
>0418 133 426
>Our office and vehicles are climate neutral
>through www.climatefriendly.com
>Alex Precht
>Technical Representative
>|  Unit 18, 1-7 Canterbury Rd
>|  Braeside  VIC  3195  Australia
>|  P  +61 3 9580 7766
>   F  +61 9587 1628
>|  www.ortech.com.au
>| alex at ortech.com.au
>From: PH Bernard [mailto:imagine at netconnect.com.au]
>Sent: Friday, 16 May 2008 9:27 AM
>To: Alex Precht
>Subject: Re: 5 star energy rating and R-values
>Hi Alex
>Have you done any testing on how your boards stand up against termites?
>Kind regards
>Per Bernard
>03 5348 1298
>0418 133 426
>=== * ===
>Rob Tom
>Kanata, Ontario, Canada
>< A r c h i L o g i c  at chaffY a h o o  dot  c a >
>manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply
>Attachment converted: Kshatria4:Termite Test 2006.pdf (PDF /«IC») (0013C218)

Bill Christensen

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